Sunday, October 30, 2005

Nasa will host a press conference Oct 19 to present recent Hubble Images. These images show the Earth's moon bathed in ultraviolet light.
Full article:
Recent images from Hubble's ACS (Advanced Camera for Surveys) suggest that the Moon may hold rich deposits of iron oxides and titanium. These substances could be used fuel, oxygen and other material necessities of space exploration.

Also today, Nasa's Chandra X-ray Observatory announced a new stellar nursery in the the least likely of places: Spawned by super-massive black holes.

"Massive black holes are usually known for violence and destruction," said Sergei Nayakshin of the University of Leicester, United Kingdom. "So it's remarkable this black hole helped create new stars, not just destroy them." Nasa release:

With discoveries such as these happening more often, it begs the question: Why haven't we gone back to the moon yet? Why have we not made it to Mars ? By today's standards the computers and equipment were rudimentary, our knowledge quite limited, yet: We made it. We left the Earth and walked on the Moon. Why have we been content to wait these 30 plus years, and are just now getting around to discussing the moon again and considering a manned Mission to Mars?

We must give serious though to this laurel-resting. Probes and telescopic images are not exploration. They mearly point us to the future.


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