Sunday, October 30, 2005

"For that one fraction of a second you were open to options you never

considered. That is the exploration that awaits you. Not mapping stars and

studying nebulae, but charting the unknown possibilities of existance!" ... John de

Lancie speaking as "Q".

It is for moments like this that Mankind was born to strive for.

All is as it was and as it shall evermore be. And then, a new door is

discovered. A door leading to a new way of thinking.

Consider the following: A naked mathematician running through the

street, an 18th century alchemist sitting under a tree, and an achedemic "failure"

watching a man fall from the roof of a neighbor's house.

Three trivial examples of three people doing three seemingly unrelated

things. Do you know who these three men were? Do you know what they did? Do

you know the debt we owe them?

Archemedes was the naked guy running the streets when he conceived his

principals of specific gravity when lowering himself into a bath. Sir Issac Newton

was sitting under the tree when his laws of motion were conceived. Albert Einstein

watched a man fall and conceived his theory of relativity.

For that "one fraction of a second" They SAW what was possible. They

changed the way we think. They opened up new possibilities.

Would you not do the same if presented the opportunities?

We all have this potential within us. If not for the actual discoveries, can

we not find it within ourselves to give of ourselves to nuture this potential in


We of the United Federation Foundation have this belief.

Will you join us in this quest to nurture humanities potential? Will you be

the one to aid in discovering the next pariadigm of humanities evololution?


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