The sky is not the limit
If you stop and consider for a moment, while the sky may be a limit, it is not the limit. This is why we of the United Federation Foundation are staunch supporters of “Blue Sky Research”.
In a near infinite universe, nearly anything is not only possible, it is probable. By supporting Blue Sky Research, Humanity stands to learn remarkable things. The potential for ground breaking discoveries in science, medicine, space exploration, ecology, alternative energy, and many other fields is staggering.
Cancer treatments are being found in tree bark and under the sea. We owe Teflon and pace-makers to the space program. Mitochondrial DNA can be used to trace our maternal bloodlines. The temperature differential between various depths of sea water can be harnessed to generate power. In ancient Iraq, they had the means to electroplate metal. Stem cells have been used to repair damaged spinal cords in laboratory animals.
If you think about it, even such simple things as wine, escargot, and the truffle are products of a simple form of blue sky research. It does after all take a bit of dedication to drink that sour frothy liquid in a flagon or eat something a pig just dug out of the ground.
Had it not been for that dedication, that will to find out the why and the how of the universe, the world would be a poorer place. Had it not been for that dedication, there would be that much more suffering to be found on our world. We should all consider dedicating ourselves to making sure the study and research is being funded and utilized to the betterment of all.
The United Federation Foundation invites you to join us on this quest for a better, brighter tomorrow. After all: The sky is not the limit anymore.
Cool posting. Great concept.
You folks have a site I could look over?
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