The time is NOW
At this moment, right now, we stand both in the center of infinity, and in the middle
of eternity. There's nothing mystical about, nor is there magic in, that statement.
Forever is always, and infinity is everything and everywhere.
Having said that, here we are: holding fast in our place as the future rushes at us.
The future, and the changes it brings will buffet us as long as we exist. Change is
the only constant that we can be assured of.
Consider these two facts: The store of human knowledge doubles every five years;
Children born today could live to see the 22nd century.
The students of the 70's and 80's could find an abacus in their classrooms. The
students of the 80's and 90's would use calculators. The students of the 90's and the
new millenium have laptops.
If we nourish innovation and cut red tape, these children, these citizens of the new
century could cure a dred disease, pioneer new industry, even touch a new horizon
we have yet to imagine. These children could create a world fuled by a new prosperity, with new opportunities, and breakthrough discoveries.
All we have to do is care enough to see the potential, and prepare ourselves and our
progeny. The future will not wait. It IS coming. The only question is: Have we
matured enough to outgrow our past and allow humanity to be all of the wonderfull
things the word "human" suggests?
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