I would ask this question: What is the largest untapped source of riches on this Earth?
There are many ways to answer this. Colloidal gold and silver suspended in sea water? The potential energy of hydrogen trapped in the very moisture that surrounds us? Undersea methane deposits? Oil deposits?
I would suggest that while each of those has a great value (by weight, scrap computers are richer in gold than the ore of many productive mines) the greatest source of untapped Wealth is to be found in the Sentient Mind. The mind and the discoveries it can make through research.
To understand how little we really know is truley the first step on the path of knowledge and (hopefully) wisdom.
With each generation, humanity continues asking better and better questions. So many of these better questions deserve to be fertilized. Fertilized with research and the funding that will help the questions grow into answers.
These answers have the potential to feed and house the world and the potential to relegate today's chronic illnesses into history books. The potential to educate any and everyone whom would so endevor.
When we finally tap these ideas, these riches, the potential discoveries we make will truley take us to the stars.